Nordjylland Drenge
A light breeze, a sunny day, a happy people, an overall just fantastic place. The whole week, filled with sun and a little wind, began fantastic as I began my travels to a land far away (or 4 hours on train), in order to go on splits with my Zone Leader - Ældste Kresge. The City of Dreams Århus. Year house… in English. Imagine, a place where you can walk around… and talk to people. A place where they stop, talk to you a little, tell you about their life experiences. A place where one can go right outside one’s apartment and begin talking with strangers, learning more about what brought them to such a marvelous place. A city full of young, exotic, unique people that are willing to learn just a little bit more. A place where stores exist. Yes, stores exist, as in they have more than one store for each item. They don’t simply have one store for backpacks, one store for coats, one store for musical instruments. We had selection. Of course, since the...