The Ausssie's Pretty Cool

Hello everyone!

This week has been absolutely a blur. So much has happened so I'm going to try to do my best to tell you all about it! 

I absolute love it here. Learning a language, meeting a TON of new people (I think around 600 missionaries just in our Wednesday got here), having pretty good food, it is all great. Eventually, I'll get a format down, but this email is honestly just a shot in the dark hahah.

Wednesday was my last day seeing my parents, the goodbye was bitter sweet, and RUSHED, I said goodbye, gave them both hugs, and then had Elder Hughes take me around, to where I've never had more of an out of body experience like that before. It was almost like I was watching my self do everything from a far. I can't explain it, but it was insane. I got my key card, room number, district number. He helped me get my luggage in there and then it was off to class. There I met my companion Elder Laurence, he's a really great and funny guy, he is a very... memey guy. Like he has a bunch of memes saved to his phone that he looks at all the time, they're pretty great... hahaha. (send memes?!?) I then met my roommates, which are pretty great - my companion is obviously one, then I have an Australian room mate named Ældste Ngatikaura, he is the FUNNIEST person I ever met. Australians are sick. We make him read literally everything in class, and he legitimately has an australian accent in danish, it is pretty amazing. I then have another one named Ældste Cousins... he is the most random guy ever. He literally screamed "YESSSSS" in class, and we laughed for over 30 minutes, (it was later in the week, so we needed a good laugh hahaha). But before I get ahead of myself, the first day was just insane, I had a hard time feeling the spirit just because I was seriously overwhelmed - happy, but inundated with new things! It was still really awesome!

The next day, I didn't get any sleep! So that was fun doing a full day - but surprisingly, I stayed awake the entire day, didn't feel tired at all. I felt kinda weird though going to class all day, because everyone was calling me the Dansk pro, so I felt a lot of weight on my shoulders, but I didn't do too bad. My companion says I'm already fluent in dansk, which is just not true, I feel I don't know the most basic of words, there's SOOOO much to learn!!! agh. I got assigned as the senior companion so I get all the control! But... I don't use it pretty much ever, my companion is really chill. Getting to know him better, I feel like I'm struggling to be a teacher. I'm trying to help him with the language, but I feel pretty inadequate as a teacher. I'm trying to do better and help him as much as I can. Something about the MTC fills people with SOOO much love, it is crazy. I have so much love for my district and my companion already. Nonetheless it is super weird to have someone with you all the time. Especially coming from an only child background, I have no time to myself, no time to think! It's weird, but it's kind of like having a really attached sibling in a weird way. It's a big change. The Spirit is really strong in the MTC, I've never quite felt something as amazing as it is here. Think about it - everyone here is a temple reccommend here. It is a powerful place, we still have fun, but there is a HUGE difference when the Spirit is there and when it withdraws.

Friday was one of the toughest, and this is where the week started to go a little downhill (I'm totally fine, but it was a little rough). It was kind of that feeling where I didn't know why I was sad. I just felt sad. I think it was just overwhelming, but I think the Spirit withdrew that day, some of the people in my room were pretty dirty, some other stuff, and it just kinda felt like an eh day. But it was still here when I looked for it, and tried to obtain it.

Saturday was probably the hardest day over all. I really miss everyone. Prayer works. I can't tell you how much it does. Having a companion with you at all times, kind of makes it hard to have emotions, so I sat on the bottom bunk and had a good cry. It was a good release of a lot of emotions. After that, I prayed, I prayed that I'd get some kind of email and get a long better with my companion. So... my companion and I bonded over.... MINECRAFT, its ridiculous I know hahaha, but I told him a little about how I worked for servers in it, got money, and he told me about how him and his friends played a ton right before he left, I thought it was hilarious and awesome. It helped us get a long a lot better for some reason haha, and as for the email, I got one INSTANTLY after I prayed. PRAYER WORKS!!! It is amazing. My mom emailed me every time this week when I really needed it. Like multiple times I prayed and almost instantly she sent it. It was miraculous. So please please, pray to the Lord, he will help you with whatever you are going through.

Sunday was super emotional - still missing my family a lot, and Sacrament meeting reminded me so much of home. But the Spirit there was overwhelmingly glorious, the significance of the Sacrament is amazing. It felt like a warm hug as I partook in the ordinance. It was almost like a restart, the Spirit withdrew for a little bit ( two nights before), and now it was all back and stronger then ever. We sang nearer my God to thee, and I remembered choir, but luckily I got to go to choir! It was powerful, we sang Joseph Smiths first prayer, and I loved it. There I talked with Elder Staggs!!! My aunt told me about him, and told me that he's into that choir stuff. I love him so much, he's been such a help to me and a real friend. He's in my zone too so we hang out a bunch. I'm so so so grateful for him. One of the Elders in my group said that they had trouble speaking when they were younger, like a speech impediment or something, and that the gift of tongues didn't only apply to the spoken language, but the language of music. He said that he expressed himself through music. I found this super touching, the Spirit can testify through both spoken, played, and sung word. Choir has been a relaxer for me (I legit fell asleep for a portion of it... oops!), but it has also helped me feel the spirit stronger. As we sang it in the devotional on Tuesday, it showed how strong his first vision was, and how that history is so essential to our church.

We felt so much closer as a district today (8 Elders, Elder - Madsen, Fisher, [me], Laurence, Cousins, Stowe, Ngatikaura, Christensen), they are legitimately like siblings. I'd do anything for them. We all love each other a ton, and we've all had struggles being here at the MTC, but we got through it together. Whenever I'm sad, someone is right there to bring me up. Elder Ngatikaura told me he wouldn't go to bed until I was feeling happier, and I really appreciated talking with him. He's a great guy. I really appreciate everyone in my district a ton.

I've been feeling just inadequate as a teacher and a companion, like I'm not doing enough to help him. So in my personal study I read 2 Nephi 4, "O wretched man that I am! Yea, my heart sorroweth because of my flesh; my soul grieveth because of mine iniquities" (Now this is NEPHI talking, a super super spiritual man...), but he says "I know whom I have trusted". I also know how I have trusted in, I would not be here without a leap of faith and knowing it is the truth. I will give up two years of my life, so that the people of Denmark can feel the Lord's love because he has helped me through the tough stuff, and he can help everyone through theirs. I've been trying to be better, to do better, but only through Jesus Christ can I become a better teacher and companion. 

We watched a very humbling movie, about how we need to turn towards others rather than look at ourselves. I've been trying to do this as much as possible, so I did an exercise where I took my laundry bag, read the messages from everyone, and then prayed for them by name. It was a lot of tears because of sweet memories and missing all my dear friends and family, but it was good. Pray always. Prayer works.

Yesterday we taught our first lesson in DANISH! It was CRAZY! I didn't understand a lot of what my teacher said, we taught about prayer and how it can help one through addictions. I was able to say everything that I needed to, but he didn't speak English once. It was pretty nerveracking, but I loved it. I'm so excited to do it for two years.

Overall, and though I've said some struggles. I'm doing good today. My preparation days are Thursdays (I can email and messenger through facebook!). I've had a great time here and I'm loving the people, the language, and the experience. I appreciate all the emails that have been sent, but send more!!! I love reading them and it really helps me through the week.

If you want to send something, (please don't feel obligated to do so), my address is:

Elder Kedric Aaron Salisbury


2005 N 900 E

Provo UT 84602-1793

Our branch number is 12J

Here are some pictures! 1. Elder Ngatikaura, Elder Laurence (behind him), 2. Elder Stowe left, Elder Christensen right (for you Jack ;), 3. Elder Stowe 4. ME 5. me and my companion, Elder Laurence 6. Elder Fisher left, Elder Madsen right, 7. Right is the STL, Sister Mckeegan 8. An elder that just left, I don't know how to spell his name hahaha 9. Elder Hall, the danish missionary who taught us a ton of Danish swear words (also a terrible photo)! 10. Me, companion, and Elder Staggs in choir! 11. Syg photo of my companion 12. Our district

I love and miss you all! I hope everyone is doing amazing. I miss you all so much, but I know who I have trusted in. (sorry for the long email!)

Jeg elsker jer!

Med kaerlighed,

AEldste Salisbury.


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