A Hard Hej

Saturday morning, relaxing in our apartment, enjoying the Christmas hygge, det hele. We received a call from our mission president, as expected, however completely out of my expectations was the call to take up and leave Frederikshavn. I at least expected to stay for Christmas because of their concert here soon, president told me a while ago I was going to stay, and I was working with familien Blankensteiner. Yet to my surprise, President told me that I have a new area called Svendborg.
Just to educate y'all on a little Denmark geografi. There are three main islands that make up Denmark (sorry Bornholm), you have Jylland (the one I was in in Frederikshavn... I mean technically it was Vendsyssel, but whatever), Fyn (the middle one) and Sjælland. Jylland and Sjælland hate each other. Fyns kinda like the middle child telling them all to stop fighting. (if Fyn didnt exist, Denmark would be two countries). So Fyn is the island I'm going to, Odense is the third biggest city in Denmark (next to København and Århus). So basically go there, on that island, and then go as south as you can possible - that's Svendborg. It's a little city, maybe littler than Frederikshavn, not sure yet. There is no branch there and we have to drive up to Odense everyday. (did he say drive???) yes. We get a car! I'm excited about that, especially in the winter. It's presidents little Christmas gift to me hahaha (as he put it). Anyways I found out that it's closing the transfer after I get there, so I'll have to move again.
I am companions with one of the newer Elders! One transfer behind me, his name is Ældste Jaursch. He comes from Germany and I haven't met him yet but I've heard a lot of great things about him so I'm super excited. I think this will really help me stretch my Danish abilities and help us both figure out what to do. I'm glad to it :)
Hej Hej
Well, goodbyes are always harder, there even harder when you can say hi hi and it means goodbye, hence the title. This was one of the hardest goodbyes. Missionary work is just full of goodbyes isn't it? Saying goodbye to all my friends and family was super tough, and now I had to say goodbye to Frederikshavn. I've made a ton of good friends in this branch, I've laughed, I've helped, I've become a member of it in this short 5 months, and I really didn't want to say goodbye so soon. The hardest goodbye was to Familien Blankensteiner, they are the sweetest family ever. They came and waved me off from the station, got me a birthday/going away gift, took a picture with me, and Janni cried as I was leaving (and I may have a let a few tears out or something). It's a hard thing, but like I said with my family and friends, it is just "vi ses." I will definitely be coming back to Frederikshavn and we will see each other again stake conferences. Because I like to apply every situation to the Gospel, this really strengthens my testimony of the plan of Salvation. God has a plan for us, and it is never farvel, or goodbye forever, it is instead we will be seen again (vi ses). It's hard to say goodbye for even just a short while, and I think it's totally okay to cry, to be upset, but we must always remember God's plan and that he knows better.
D&C 42:45-46
45 insomuch that thou shalt weep for the loss of them that die, and more especially for those that have not hope of a glorious resurrection.
46 And it shall come to pass that those that die in me shall not taste of death, for it shall be sweet unto them;
Okay, back up a little. Mmm julefrokost. Basically meaning Christmas lunch, yet we ate at dinner time...? I don't think I've got this whole Danish thing down yet, however let me introduce you to some of their delicious foods. You of course have your pickled herring, mmmm, mmmm good. You can have either pickled herring plan or with curry sauce. Delicious. If you wanna get a little funky they have something called grønlankåd (I think that's what it's called). Basically it's grass. Like think of taking a lawn mower, cutting your grass, emptying out the lawn mower into a bowl, putting water and sugar onto the bowl, you have this delicious food. I don't know about you but my mouth is just watering. Anyways, you also god the good old massive sausage, weird tomato fish or something, and rye bread. Lots of rye bread. Now I may sound sarcastic with all of this stuff, but I absolutely loved every piece of it... which impressed the members there. My companion wouldn't eat the pickled herring or anything that was good, so the members were all super surprised when I dug in. The grass stuff I explained was supperrrrr good, Im not even sure why hahaha, it had the texture of grass, tasted like sugary grass, but it was great. The food is fantastic out here and I'm so grateful for that. Even the stuff that everyone was telling me I wasn't gonna like, I absolute love. Just call me Danish hahah.
The death mist struck again. Walking around, knocking doors. The instant shower descended upon us. A wall of water, soaking my waterproof coat, my pants, my waterproof bag, everything in the bag, my face, my hair, my shoes, everything. One can not escape the death mist, for it is everywhere yet no where. A waterproof coat? Useless. An umbrella? Futile. The only thing protecting you from the dreadful mist is a completely covered, enclosed, building. Soaking head to toe, knocking on doors, you'd think one old, sweet person would let us in to one of the longed after enclosures? I thought so too. 
I'm gonna switch things up a little and begin my attempted wise words with a scripture (where the scriptures are always wise)

D&C 31:3 Lift up your heart and rejoice, for the hour of your mission is come; and your tongue shall be loosed, and you shall declare glad tidings of great joy unto this generation.

I'm studying in doctrine and covenants right now and this scripture came up. While this scripture has a ton of great things in it, I'm going to begin by talking about lifting up your heart and rejoicing. Last night, I had a lot of questions, not about the Gospel but about myself. I started thinking about how I'm going to an area that's shutting down. I can think about it in two different ways. 1. I can be sad and say that all of my efforts will just be a waste. 2. I can view it as an opportunity to talk to people that I'll probably never talk to again, try out different approaches, find myself in Danish, spread some Christmas joy and happiness, and maybe convince President to keep Svendborg as an area. Last night I was leaning a lot more on the first view, but I prayed to Heavenly Father to help me understand what my purpose was there. And he gave me a lot of reasons to rejoice and be lifted up, because one, it doesn't matter that it's shutting down. The Lord's will will be accomplished no matter what, and since I'm on his side, doing his work, I have only reasons to rejoice and be lifted up. I have seen many times in my life and others', where sometimes we don't understand why, we don't feel adequate or whatever it may be. However, I have always found that if we truly ask God, not in an accusative way (like "why would you do this to me") but in a genuinely loving way, we will always receive an answer.

Looking back at the last part, I answered my own question too. This is "the hour of my mission," rejoice, open your mouth, and declare good tidings of joy. That's why I'm out here and what I'm trying to do, it doesn't matter where I am. Joy is joy and everyone needs it, no matter if "my efforts will be wasted." That doesn't matter, allowing them to hear, to see, to learn, to have joy, that's what matters.

I know that me writing that scripture down (which I wrote before I was thinking all of the questions) is truly personal revelation. It exists today and we can receive answers for ourselves today, from God. Either through the Holy Ghost, the Holy Scriptures or those around us. It works in many ways but I have a strong testimony and knowledge that revelation exists today. I am so thankful for a loving God that watches over us and protects us. And I'm also thankful that he gave us so many tools today to receive that personal revelation such as our Prophet, Russell M Nelson, and the words of the old prophets.
This has been a wild week and a long long transfer (we had to take a bus down to Århus and switch to another bus and then switch to a train, it was a lot). But I'm so thankful to be a missionary, it is a blessing everyday to see my progress that I know is only possible through Christ.

Challenge: Reflect. However, don't reflect negatively. Instead of being hard on yourself and saying everything that you need to change, give yourself some well deserved credit! Think about your accomplishments, the things you have in life, your good attributes. Think of how you can use them to help other people in life.
Word of the Week: Fødevareerhverv - Food Industries
Scripture: Jude 1:18-21
18 How that they told you there should be mockers in the last time, who should walk after their own ungodly lusts.
19 These be they who separate themselves, sensual, having not the Spirit.
20 But ye, beloved, building up yourselves on your most holy faith, praying in the Holy Ghost,
21 Keep yourselves in the love of God, looking for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ unto eternal life.

I love you all and I hope you have a fantastic week. Enjoy this great Christmas season. It's a great time to just go and serve people with random acts of kindness. You all are fantastic and I cant wait to hear from you :)

Med kærlig hilsen,
Ældste Salisbury 


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