

We went over to mor’s house and had a really interesting time. Normally, we just eat food and get out of there as soon as possible. But it was much much different this time, instead she started crying because Svendborg shut down (which is still in progress), told us about her curious gifts like being able to see through walls and see spirits, also told us that her kids tell her she can’t say that kind of stuff to government workers, otherwise they will think she’s crazy, and showed us her patriarchal blessing. All of which was very awkward… and my companion just fed into her craziness by asking her more and more questions (not his fault, but hopefully he doesn’t do it the next time). Fun like always!


Charles is a really unique one of our friends… he has the missionaries go over about once a week to help him with his backyard. He is not a member of the church and desire, from what I can tell, to be a member. Yet, we still are in contact with him helping him out once in a while. One thing that is cool is he comes to church pretty much week, so hopefully he will eventually realize that he really does enjoy church and join, but we’re waiting for that day to come still.

Lise Lotte

We had a really really awesome lesson with this university student! She was super nice and friendly and wanted to genuinely learn more because she felt like God has been missing her whole life. She even asked us after we gave our lesson “Do you guys have any tips on being more spiritual” it was fantastic. The sisters found her and invited us to be with, so we hope that all continues well with her.


We met with Ahrman, another person found by the sisters, and I’m pretty sure he didn’t understand a word we said, but whenever we mentioned the bible he got way hyped. We showed him how to get the Book of Mormon in his language so hopefully he will enjoy it and understand the importance of it. He was a really funny dude though haha.


We were out contacting on the streets with a member and we stopped this one person named Jørgen. He was a super nice guy, we asked him where the HC Andersen house was (even though I and the member knew where it was, my comp asked), and he actually took us on a tour there. We talked about religion but he wasn’t interested in changing religions. We didn’t think anything of it and showed up at the church and he was there! It was a super big surprise and the member that contacted him was talking to him. He really enjoyed the service, after we took him down to the family history room and he was also super interested in that. He’s a great guy but he won’t give us his contact information, so instead of being able to contact him, we just have to hope and pray he’s coming to church on Sunday. But hey, it’s better than nothing.


Probably another one of the weirdest stories I have on my mission. Basically we are walking down the street, contacting people. We see this guy who basically is doing the same thing, trying to have a conversation (and obviously awkward one by the look of the people’s faces he was talking to) and just finished with it. He pointed us out and said “hey are you guys mormons” we of course said yes, he then proceeded to ask us “Will you pray for me” and we said of course. Well, he meant right then. He told my companion to take off his gloves and hold out our hands, Ældste Leland then began to give a prayer, while teenagers and adults were passing us in the middle of the street, laughing. I’m not sure they were laughing at us, but I’m pretty sure they were hahah. Pretty weird stuff. Anyways, we get done with the prayer, he asks about church and will probably come there. He then gave us hugs and walked away. Honestly, he seemed like just a lonely person who needed someone to give him a little attention, and I’m glad that we could no matter how weird or awkward it was. Plus, we have the weirdest job on the planet anyways, so you might as well commit to the bit.

Tender Mercies

This week had a lot of tender mercies that happened that when I look back helped me through a long week. One in particular, I had a question that if anyone was prepared in this country, because a lot of the times it gets hard. There’s no one that really talks to us, there’s no one that’s interested unless it’s just wasting our time by chill chat. So it’s been pretty rough, but I had the question that I asked my parents this morning, “Are there any people prepared in Denmark?” Could it maybe be they’ve all been found? Could it be that they are just such a wicked folk they don’t care about Jesus and everything? I couldn’t figure it out, and it’s not a question that I completely understand yet, but I do know this: there are people out there searching for truth. With Jørgen, it showed me that he was wanting to find out for himself. But literally twenty minutes ago, there was the biggest tender mercy I’ve ever seen. It was one of those angelic moments, where I feel like God sent them just for me. We were expecting someone at 3:00 to show up to a lesson, but we knew that this person was going to burn us and not show up. But instead, this old couple showed up and asked me where I came from. They said, “we are looking for the truth. The way to get to up there and how to avoid down there.” They didn’t want to talk more about it, but they said they would be at our next church meeting. This felt like a direct answer to a prayer I’ve had in my heart, and a prayer that I know my parents were praying tonight. The Lord looks out for his children by the little things. Sometimes, we are just so blind and hardhearted, but we need to get out of that and look at the little tiny things that are huge miracles and answers to our prayers. I know God is looking out for me, and I know he’s looking out for you too.

I love you all and I hope you have an amazing week! Hopefully it’s not snowing too much over there, but if it is… send some over here! :)

Challenge: Look for the little things, keep a gratitude journal this week.

Scripture: Moroni 10:23 “And Christ truly said unto our fathers: aIf ye have faith ye can do all things which are expedient unto me.”

Word of the Week: sjovt - fun and funny, how you tell the difference between something being fun and funny, I’m still not sure

Pictures: I have no clue the order of things so basically snakes, scorpions, really pretty parts of denmark, Mathias my comp and me in front of HC Andersen's house, more pretty denmark, some splits, fun stuff.

Med kærlig hilsen,

Ældste Salisbury


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