The End

Week 5 of isolation: we've ran out of food. The groceries stores are desolate, any shipments coming in are either stolen or plundered. If any food makes it into the grocery stores, which it rarely does, around 5 fights break out as if we are all running to a cornucopia. Because of the lack of actually useful weapons in Denmark, we've had to improvise our artillery. It's quite impressive what one can do with a toothbrush.

Anyways, the other elders have been quite hungry and we've been conspiring against each other as to who will be devoured first. They've all teamed up with me, because everyone knows they would get maybe a few measly morsels if I were chosen. As I'm everyone's ally, I've pitted the others in a battle of wits, intelligence and strength. I don't want just the strongest to be my ally in the last days, I need someone with brains. I've decided we are going to play one game of slap jack and the loser is eaten.

Fighting for food isn't the only problem we have. The amount of raiders coming in is ridiculous. I think in the past 3 days we've had 7 raiders. You wouldn't expect the hyggeligt Danes to come and attack, but I guess they resort to their Viking roots when all goes amok.

The government has decided to turn the entire country into Christiania, a lawless, anything is legal, country. We've declared our own country inside the country of Denmark called 'Merika, and every day we try to claim a little bit more land. We've made alliances with a select group of Danes, but they know our alliance is contingent on the amount of danishes they provide.

For all the mothers freaking out right now, I'm fine! All just a joke. A probably too long drawn out joke, but I have to do something to entertain myself.

Stuff that Actually Happened
-We had a great lesson with an old catholic friend that we found in the area book, she was super sweet, has read the entire book of mormon but doesn't want to committ to anything.
- We had a fantastic lesson with two friends from back home!
- Recorded 2 videos this week, I was used as a ping pong paddle, and I sang Come unto Christ and explained how to put a phone in your pocket (tricky). 
- Almost got killed by a golf ball
- Got hit on over twice by people on Facebook... Way awkward
- Had an awesome lesson with Torben and Vicki where they gave us a ton of chocolate

In all seriousness though, if this were the second coming, this probably wouldnt be too far off. I've been thinking a lot about the second coming lately, probably highly due to the corona virus crisis, but also because I find it interesting.

I have a bunch of memories of my dad saying "IT'S THE END OF THE WORLD" when something like a tornado warning came on the television or a thunder storm. This used to freak me out os much, and my dad did it sooooo often, hahaha. I laugh about it now, but my view of something scary to how it is now has changed sooooo much. It's kinda weird, but I long for the second coming of Christ. I know it's going to be a hard time for everyone, but it's reassuring to know that our Savior will save us all. To know that we are on the right side, it is just amazing. It's amazing to see that we have prophets who prepare us for things exactly like this.

What did the church do prior to Corona virus crisis? They set up food storage in homes, gave everyone ministering brothers in order to have a priesthood holder to every household, they gave us Come Follow Me - a home centered church program, the list could probably go further!

How blessed we are with a living prophet, scriptures, and personal revelation to our Heavenly Father. 3 Nephi 10:14 "And now, whoso readeth, let him understand; he that hath the scriptures, let him search them, and see and behold if all these deaths and destructions by fire, and by smoke, and by tempests, and by whirlwinds, and by the opening of the earth to receive them, and all these things are not unto the fulfilling of the prophecies of many of the holy prophets."

The signs, the prophecies, and the authority and communication with God is here on earth in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. We've made covenants that have power with the most powerful being, God. I am so thankful and comforted by the knowledge I have in the Church of Jesus Christ. Although times might happen exactly as I said, Jesus Christ will guide us. He is our light and our older brother. He wants the best for us and wants to help us, but we have to come to Him first. My invitation to everyone is find that peace of Christ. I known it exists and over and over again I feel it so strongly. For me, it is found when I put the distractions away in life and focus on him, whether that be watching a film about his life or reading the Holy Scriptures. I invite you to try to find the way that you hear Him.

I hope you all had a great week. And I hope this week is even better! Don't go crazy in isolation, but if you do, definitely don't do what I started this email with ;) Love and miss you all!

Pictures: ping pong paddle me, downtown Copenhagen, communist Denmark symbol, cool pond, chicken tatsu

Med kærlig hilsen,
Ældste Salisbury 


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