
I am staying in Ballerup with the ZLs as we have been for the passed 3 weeks. It's been a great experience, not because the ZLs are that cool or anything, but just because it's better than living in an apartment in quarantine with just one other person. We all get along great and occasionally die laughing because Elder Harding has this amazing ability to say the funniest things at the best timing. We are doing great.
Easter was great. Some sisters challenged the mission to create eggs and go egg peoples houses. The sisters brought down paper, which I was too colorblind to do myself, and Søster Hepworth made Todd, as her obvious inability to make a paper airplane. Attached is a picture of Todd. Todd has had a rough life as a duck, tormented and abused by me calling him a swan. I really did think he was a swan, but that's why you can't judge a book by its cover... (yes this is what my emails have come to) Be like Todd, duck out of vicious swan stereotypes.
Speaking of stereotypes, I've realized that you can't stereotype when contacting. It's been a great experience with online contacting, but you can't disclude anyone. When Preach My Gospel says contact everyone, you contact everyone... It doesn't matter if they are a Todd or not, a swan or duck.

2 Nephi 26:33 "For none of these iniquities come of the Lord; for he doeth that which is good among the children of men; and he doeth nothing save it be plain unto the children of men; and he inviteth them all to come unto him and partake of his goodness; and he denieth none that come unto him, black and white, bond and free, male and female; and he remembereth the heathen; and all are alike unto God, both Jew and Gentile."

ALL are welcome to come unto Christ. I've had multiple experiences where I've prejudged people - maybe in a good way too. I'll give you an example, when going through Facebook and you begin to contact someone with a family, well if I were to just stop listening to the Spirit and send a text about family... That might not be what the Lord wants me to do. Instead, the Lord might tell me to talk about faith or peace or if God even exists. I've found this a very important thing to do when Facebook finding, looking beyond their picture and really asking the Lord what this person needs to hear. It's a skill that has to be practiced and worked on, but I know that when I do practice it and try to improve to listen to the spirit it always benefits me and those around us.
The Resurrection
I had an experience that I really want to lock in this week. Maybe this is even more for myself, because quite frankly it was quite a draining week. We had a lesson with a super in depth philosophy guy from Denmark who came up with every possible hypothetical question. However, the climax of this week was most definitely Easter and pondering the Resurrection. We had sacrament meeting together as an apartment (our four man). We got done with it, and it was just silence. And one of the elders thought it was a good idea to watch one of the Easter videos after we partook of it. After we finished watching the video, we sat there for a good 5-10 minutes in silence. There's a power in silence. When the prophet asked how to hear him, that is exactly how we have to do it. It is I INCREDIBLE to see four rowdy, sarcastic, fun loving guys, suddenly become so reverent. I can't explain the feeling or power over text, but I invite you to seek after experiences like these. Silence in groups, silence by yourself, it can make differences. Silence is not the key though. It is silence and a focus that give it power. We were able to take all of the worries in the world, all of the pain we have felt, everything and focus on our Savior. The One who overcome death so we don't have to fear. The One who healed the sick and blessed the needy. The One who redeemed us all.

I know it's not Thanksgiving, but there's so much to be thankful for throughout the entire year. I'm grateful to be a missionary. I'm grateful that I don't have to fear or be anxious because I am on the Lord's side. I'm thankful for my wonderful parents and their dedication to showing me thst Christ is the way. I'm thankful for my father who has showed me what hard work is and what it means to fulfill one's calling, and being able to work side by side with him as he had his calling in young men, seeing how much he strived to help the quorum have fun, be loved, and be included. I'm thankful for my mother who has always showed me love and care. She's one of the most loving and perseverant people I know and I'm so proud to call her my mother. Most importantly, I'm thankful that both of them are so willing to let their only son go out on a mission and stay out here, despite the world's state, to serve a mission for Jesus Christ, giving me the ability to help other families come together for eternity through the atonement of Jesus Christ. I'm so thankful for the leaders that raised me up and lead me to Christ. I'm thankful for the parents that helped raise me up and supported me just like my own parents. I'm thankful for friends that have supported me, had fun with me, sang with me, joked with me. I'm thankful that I have the opportunity to share with friends back home what I'm out here for. Above all, I'm thankful for a kind, loving Heavenly Father who had a plan for me from the beginning. I'm grateful that he sent his Only Beggotten Son to die for my sins so that I can one day return and live with Him again. I'm thankful that He overcame the seemingly unconquerable, death. I'm thankful for the knowledge I have that this isn't the end, but there is so much more after.

I hope you all had a wonderful Easter. I pray that you will continue to think about what you are thankful for and what Easter is really about.

Challenge: write a list of all the things you're grateful for and share the things you wrote about people with them. 
Word of the Week: filosofi - pronounced like philosophy but scream the y at the end, it means philosophy
Scripture: John 20:7 "And the napkin, that was about his head, not lying with the linen clothes, but wrapped together in a place by itself." 
Pictures: I got wrapped into an Elder Salisbury Burrito, TODD, our fort, we bought a fryer... FORGE' ABOU' ITTTT clothitt

I love you all and I hope you have a great and reflective week. Keep on pushing through this quarantine pit stop, because the best is yet to come.

Med kærlig hilsen,
Ældste Salisbury


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