Provo det

This one will be a bit shorter, but hopefully still a good one. This week has been a fantastic week, like always out here serving the Lord. Not a ton happened, we got burned a few times (like people didn’t meet with us… writing these emails I understand how confused my non-member friends could be with all this random weird stuff like “district”, “splits”, etc… hahah), I went on splits with Ældste Leland (where you switch companions with another person’s companion), and we went to stake conference.
Splits was pretty fantastic. Ældste Leland and I get along really well, we have a lot of the same interests, and we spent the rest of our P-day just playing the piano and singing, it was really hyggeligt. We had a good ol’ time at the church doing that and then we went back to the apartment, I made quesadillas with chicken, probably the best dang quesadillas I’ve ever had. Maybe it was because we were starving, or maybe it was because I am an amazing chef, I guess we will never know! The next day I made eggs and chicken for breakfast, and then we had pasta and sandwiches for lunch. We just had an average day of contacting, got some guys facebook page, but he “champed” me (basically said “this week won’t work, champ”), so he was super willing to meet… not! But it was still a good thing, because we met our goal of getting two potential friends. It was just a great, fun day, and I learned a lot from him. He taught me some other techniques of finding people, and most often he would say “we are from the USA and we are trying to learn Danish” and surprisingly a lot more people stopped than usual… so that was great!
Greenie Fire
The Greenie Fire (greenie means someone who is new to the field of missionary work, fire means something that is hot and that can and will burn you) is real! It is very really! Mine has kinda ran out, but we did splits with Zaki, and he’s preparing to go on a mission. Before we did splits with him, we were getting little to no people talking to us. But as we started (and just for around 20 minutes, because that’s all the time he had) we found two new potential friends that we gave the Book of Mormon to! It’s crazy how much a member can make a difference, whether that be through referrals or going on splits with them. It brings a new excitement to the work that really helps it progress!
Stake Conference
Wow. If you’ve ever had the feeling like being at a family reunion (for your wife or husband), you know no one, everyone you look at you don’t recognize, they don’t recognize you, you’re a little shy because the person your with is literally talking to everyone and not introducing… Oh, and not to mention, you don’t speak the same language that everyone in the family does. If you’ve experienced this, I’m sorry, but now I have a great sympathy for you… hahaha, it’s a great feeling. Just everyones talking gibberish around you, danish is like a gargling sound, side tangent, but this person literally opened the door with a mouth full of food and they sounded the same. It wouldn’t have mattered if they had food or not in there mouth because literally danish sounds like your swallowing a potato as you speak… I love this language. You have no clue. It’s the weirdest wackiest language, and I love it. But off from my side tangent, Stake Conference was the best, there were way more people than I was used to, they did it in this gigantic concert hall, and the speakers were great. I really loved this one speaker, and luckily he was English so I understood it all. He ranted a bunch about his mother made him do jig saw puzzles in order to go play with friends, he’d get super upset especially when there was a piece of the puzzle that just didn’t seem to go anywhere, he’d get obsessed over the piece, want to burn the set, sometimes he’d flip the table, and then he’d have to start all over again. But what he learned from that is that sometimes we get focused on one piece of the puzzle that isn’t working, whether that be one part of the Gospel that we don’t fully understand, one part of us that we dislike and want to change, one person of the world that frustrates us, whatever it may be. He said to put it aside, quit worrying over the one piece, because if you start setting the other pieces, usually that one that you hated a long time ago, that you wanted to burn, gets set right into place. Start with the four corners, then the edges, then the middle. Setup a foundation before you do the interior design. I thought it was insightful and his British humor was fantastic and enjoyable. It honestly was a great weird experience. As for the language, and my little language rant, the language is coming. In fact
I wasn’t going to make a language part, but I decided that I should talk a little bit about it. I had a really amazing experience with the Gift of Tongues that I wanted to share. My trainer is awesome, and of course right before we knock a door, he gets phone call. So what does he do? He knocks on the door and walks away. Sick. So the door answers and she’s really sweet and patient, we talk for a good 10 minutes about religion, I show her the Book of Mormon, she didn’t really have any desire to learn more, but she was willing to take a card, and it was great. But the thing was, earlier that day, I was starting to notice how I began to be able to finish each knock. Before they would say something, and I’d just look to my trainer, but now I can get all the way through most of the time (unless they are nordjysk, which is the accent up here in Frederikshavn, where sometimes my trainer can’t even understand them). So it was a really exciting time, I felt like I could run a mile after the two that day that I took all the way through. So when they say “det kommer” it really does come! :)
Prøv denne Åndelige Tanker
I have been thinking a lot about trying things. Right now I am in Europe, speaking a different language, eating a bunch of different foods, living a whole different lifestyle than before. This gives me the opportunity to try a lot of things, right? I think it lets me try to live in a different culture, to meet other people, to get out of my comfort zone, to do things I would never have done back at home (like go knocking). I’ve found that the times I grow the most in my life are the times that I’m struggling the most. They say there is no growth in the comfort zone, and there really isn’t. That’s why I want to invite you to try new things, whether that be learning a language, learning how to skateboard :), learning a crazy weird and hard concept in math, learning a new instrument, whatever it may be, try something! I truly believe that when you try something, and you struggle with it, you will learn perseverance, humility, and patience. The one thing that I’d ask you to try the most is the Book of Mormon, try it again and again. I just completed the Book of Mormon for the third time, and every time I read it, I learn something. I can’t talk enough about it’s wonderful things that it works in my life and the lives of others. For those that are not members of the Church of Jesus Christ, I ask of you this, what is the harm of trying it? What is the harm in reading a book. We have so many people that tell us that the bible is enough, and the bible is fantastic. But what’s wrong with trying to read another book, you don’t have to convert instantly or do anything, just simply give it your all and read it. Read it like you would the bible, heck read it like you would a novel, because showing that faith and trying it is the trial of your faith. You won’t know if it’s true, if it’s good, if it’s the word of God if you never actually try to read it. This isn’t calling anyone out or anything, simply something I’ve been thinking a lot about lately as I get the “we are fine with the bible” a lot. I will try reading the Quran, the Jehovah’s Witness Bible, or other religious texts, just to learn more about their faith. So give it a shot, and try it. For the members of the Church, try it again. Ask if it is true, take up Moroni’s promise again, and ask the Lord whether or not these things are true, whether you’ve already received a witness or are trying to receive one. I received a witness again, that the teachings contained in the Book of Mormon are the words of God. It shows us that he cares about us, and that he loves all of his children.
I was thinking of the quote,“The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results” I expect the same results every time I read the Book of Mormon, that I will understand that it is the word of God even more. The more I try it again, and again, and probably again, the more I understand that. The more I understand how I can improve my life. Although it says it’s insanity, I always receive a witness of something I didn’t pick up on before. And I think the way that it’s not insanity is how you read the Book of Mormon. If you read it the same way again and again, that is insanity, nothing will be gained, but as I’ve talked about before, try to ponder more. I’m beginning to read the New Testament, and instead of speeding through it, I’m doing chapter insights. It helps me to stop and think about what is trying to be said, and it helps me dive into those chapters that I don’t understand why they are even there. I encourage you to try the same. Try. Try. Try. Did I say it enough? Maybe not, in fact, it reminds me of a scripture: Ether 12:6 “I would show unto the world that faith is things which are hoped for and not seen; wherefore, dispute not because ye see not, for ye receive no witness until after the trial of your faith” - revelation does not come simply by thinking about it or wanting it. It comes when you are down on your knees, going through a trial, a thing that is trying to get you to realize that the Lord can give you hope, can give you strength, can you give you whatever you need if you simply just ask. But we have to have that hope, we have to try it out, before we can truly receive an answer. Trying doesn’t mean perfection, but it means that you’re willing to give the effort to want to receive that faith, hope, strength, peace, love.

Challenge: Go on splits with the missionaries! It really helps them out, but if you don’t have any desire for that, you should at least give them a referral :) Also, continue reading and trying the Book of Mormon.
Favorite Word this Week: ristede løg (ree-stel-uh loy) - roasted onions
Scripture: Moroni 7:48 (I love the part with all energy of heart, it again, I’m gonna keep coming back to this, it means trying more than just the vain repetitions, but the very desires of your heart)

I love you all! I know that what I’m doing out here is the Lord’s work. I’ve found peace in the Book of Mormon and I know you can, and I know the people of Denmark can. I hope and pray that all is going well in your life and that you are happy wherever you may be. Until next week! 

Med kærlig hilsen,
Ældste Salisbury


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