Covid Can't Stop the Lord's Work

Keep the miracles rolling. We had a pretty great week, despite our current odd and kind of worsening (more locked down than the USA, but they're getting to be about the same) situation.

A little update: more people have the virus, 13 are dead (but may have not been due to the virus), gatherings with 10 or more people are illegal, all stores are closed down except for grocery stores, there are around 42 missionaries in the Danish Mission, we closed 3 areas in an emergency transfer.

Our Friend
Although we've had a week of Facebook contacting... (if anyone has any tips for doing this, much appreciated) we had a great week with our friend here on Amager. He's a British guy that loves to talk deeply. We had a great lesson with him that was a little thrown together because it's been a while since he was taught last so we had to gauge what he remembered. We talked about Heavenly Father's plan for us, and then we talked about commitment. He told us that he knows if he tries Joseph's experiment, and he receives an answer, he will have to change. Which is completely right, when we understand that God exists, we have to change who we are. He is scared of that change. I think it's totally normal, especially if you're feeling the Spirit, sometimes it can be a little overwhelming knowing the requirement that follows: change. We focused on how God will not give us more than we can handle. Some people can handle an appearance of an angel, others need to slowly be introduced to the Gospel. I truly believe we can see this with Laman and Lemuels story. They saw angels and were commanded to stop their wrong doings... And a lot of us wonder... Well why can't I have that? Then I would know for sure! But I think it's also a matter of, are we ready for the spiritual manifestation, so strong we can't deny it, to completely turn our lives around? For Laman and Lemuel, they were not ready, but I also don't think God just showed them an angel even though they weren't spiritually capable yet. This is all hypothesizing, but I think it was because if God didn't show them an angel at that time, his work would have come to a halt. They could've killed Nephi and Sam, therefore stopping the work. Overall, I know that God will reveal his existence and gospel one step at a time. Just like the brother of Jared, he saw the finger of the Lord, and then the hand, and eventually saw the Lord because of his strengthening faith as the Lord revealed himself slowly. It is the same with us, the more we strive to find out if God is really there, the more he will show us that he is, step by step.

Crazy Times
I was searching out ideas on how to make Facebook finding effective and I found this picture with a hash tag: "#ChristIsTheCure"

This really got me thinking about how Christ literally is the cure. Yes he can heal us from the virus, but look at it another way. There are people out there buying a ton of toilet paper, a ton of water, fighting over the last cases, speaking rudely to the cashiers, distancing themselves away from everyone. It's a lot to take in. I'm a huge supporter of social distancing and all of that kind of precaution, but I think it's also good to remember the example of our Savior. Charity is a Christ-like attribute. We all could use a little more charity, share a little more love, do a little more service. I can't explain to you how drained, tired, and overall discouraged the people of Denmark look. And I really doubt it's just Denmark either, it's over the whole world. That's why I'm so grateful for Jesus Christ. He suffered everything, gave up all, so that we could feel peace. Jacob 3:1 "But behold, I, Jacob, would speak unto you that are pure in heart. Look unto God with firmness of mind, and pray unto him with exceeding faith, and he will console you in your afflictions, and he will plead your cause, and send down justice upon those who seek your destruction." I hope no one is seeking our destruction right now, but I do know that God will console us in these hard times, that he will plead our case.

I know that God has given me peace in these tough times. Please please please, if you have never prayed for that peace before, or haven't in a while, pray to your Heavenly Father for it. Ask him for that peace, comfort, even joy, and he will give it to you. It may take time, but I know that if you continue to pray diligently, with exceeding faith, he will help you.

I love you all and I hope you have a safe and great week! Let me know how you guys are doing :)

Med kærlig hilsen,
Ældste Salisbury


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