Frederikshavn Pt. 2

I honestly don't have a whole lot to write this week. Not a ton happened this week, but I'm settling in to Copenhagen well and enjoying the time I've had so far.
Amager Contacting
Talking to people on Amager is a little like talking to people in Frederikshavn. Not super friendly, a little cranky, and always say they're busy. So I'm back to my first area, one might call this the "Frederikshavn of Sjælland," but I've been in Svendborg and Frederikshavn, so I'm sure I can handle one more... Right? The one conversation we did have this week was with an older lady was super short, but we gave her a card. 👍
I really thought Copenhagen would be a lot bigger, but it feels really really small. Think of downtown Boise, but less skyscrapers. It's like the Grove, but trashy. I wish I could sugar coat it, but it's a really weird vibe here. Tons of people smoking, no one really smiling, everyone just going to the next thing.
However there is one thing that I always love about copenhagen, that I visited the first time I came into the country. I love the Vor Frue Kirke. It is a beautiful, spiritual experience that I recommend to everyone of all faiths. The statue in there is the statue that many members have in our homes, beautiful. The Spirit in there, when it is quiet, is real, which again reminds me of how the Spirit can be anywhere as long as it is invited. Under the statue there is a powerful statement,  "Come to me." A simple, yet powerful phrase. In danish it is "Kommer til Mig" which is interesting because it is not the command form "Kom til mig", but rather an invitation - maybe even a progression. Coming to me is almost what it translates to, I don't know why I find it so powerful, I don't think I can portray it over email, but as I ponder this statue, as I see the holes in his feet and hands, and his warm welcoming hand, I know that my Redeemer lives. I know he died for us, each of us individually and wants us to come back to him, but it is an invitation that we can accept. It isn't always an easy path, but in the end, every person that has truly come unto Christ that I've talked with on the mission have had amazing changes in their lives. The missionaries who are recent converts, whether by baptism or by a change of heart, the people I get to work with in the ward, and the people that are genuinely trying to find out the truth, they all have benefited from it. I love seeing the change, in others and in myself. It is a powerful part of this Gospel and can only happen if we truly and diligently come unto Him.

I'm sorry I don't have a ton this week, but I am feeling like I have a purpose that I more fully understand, a more pin-pointed goal that I am after. I'm enjoying it a ton out here! I truly am thankful for all of your prayers and support. I miss and love you all and hope you have a fantastic week!

Challenge: Come unto Christ. A great way of doing that is by reading the scriptures! I would suggest the Book of Mormon or the New Testament. Try reading where he comes and visits the nephites or ministers to his people.
Quote (Oooh I changed it): "Now I understand better that the Lord's Church isn't for those who are already perfect but to help perfect those who aren't. And when you are trying to follow Him, you belong in His Church." - Brian S. King, Ensign, New Members: This is Where You Belong
Word of the Week: at smitte - to infect (important word these days...)
Pictures: Vor Frue Kirke, København (copenhagen), a really cool art globe thing we could go in, a great hike to the top of Denmark with some good old elder buddies, lego stuff, a really cool priest outfit thing, amager beach


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