Stadigvæk Syg

Well, I wrote one email this week and I decided that I was wayyyy too sarcastic in it… so I decided to write another one.

I’m not going to go into a lot of detail here, but this week was pretty terrible. I was sick, had a little bit of a health scare, (I am COMPLETELY fine now), and had some just eh feelings this week… but that’s just how missionary work is sometimes.


Being sick, I really haven’t been able to do a lot this week. I’ve been going literally insane inside of my apartment, and I’m sure my companion has been too. I’ve realized that my least favorite thing in the world is to be with someone 24/7, and being together so much stuck in an apartment made it so we got on eachothers nerves. It just showed me that one of the reasons I am on my mission is to learn, and learn I do. I’ve realized that it’s hard to live with someone else 24/7 and get along with them (and it’s probably even harder coming from an only child standpoint). But I also realized that if this is “training for having a wife” as everyone says it is… then when I have a wife, I won’t be with her 24/7… without the opportunity to ever just take a second to breathe, by myself… I reassure myself, that I can definitely do that if I have enough patience with a bratty little, just out of high-school, 18 year old bro that I have to deal with (and my companion isn't like that at all, I’m probably more of that, just change it to 19 y/o hahha). But it gives me faith and hope that I’ll be able to have enough patience, when I can survive 24/7 with someone that I didn’t choose… if that makes sense? Anyways, I’m feeling better, everyone is happy now, we’re learning.


I’ve been reading the Book of Mormon with the Come and Follow Me packet (WHICH IS AMAZING!), and I’ve found a TON of awesome and insightful things in it… and it’s all in Danish that I’m reading it… and I actually understand it, so progress. I found out that each of their scenarios were not super easy by the power of man. Nephi did not understand why his father was taking him out into the wilderness, but he prayed. He received an answer. Lehi was lost in the dark, scared. He prayed. The Lord answered. It’s as simple as that. I find it amazing that it is just that simple. I know that if we ask, we will receive if it is the Lord’s will and of sincere intent. I often ask myself, what does it even mean “if it’s the Lord’s will.” Well it means that if it brings to pass the immortality and eternal life of man, and help us have joy, the Lord will bestow us a blessing if we ask for it. That is why it must be specific and with real intent. I know that when I’ve gotten on my knees and prayed my heart out, that every time the Lord has given me what I needed. Maybe not in the way I expected or wanted, but it has always come. 

Challenge: Do Come, Follow Me! It’s fantastic :)

Scripture: 1 Nephi 8:8 - “And after I had traveled for the space of many hours in darkness, I began to pray unto the Lord that he would have mercy on me, according to the multitude of his tender mercies.” Lehi did not instantly pray either, he wandered in the dark for many hours, as we do sometimes, but as soon as he prayed, he received one of those tender mercies. 

Word of the Week: at tabe sig - literally meaning “to lose yourself” but actually means “to lose weight” 

Anyways, I love you all and I really miss each one of you. I would love to hear back from you. If you could send me an email this week it would brighten my day so much. I’d love to hear about a memory that you have of us together (funny, happy, spiritual, whatever you can think of), or tell me something that happened in your life that was fantastic. I hope you have an amazing week.

Med kærlig hilsen,

Ældste Salisbury


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