Success Success Success?!

This week has been SUPER great! Let's get into it.

I've had the chance to share the gospel with friends which has been so important to me. I have loved talking to everyone from back home and telling them about what I do everyday. I would love to have a chance with everyone that's interested to learn more about what I believe in and who would be willing to read in the Book of Mormon. It is a fantastic time learning about each other's views on the world. Please let me know if you would like this opportunity!

The Facebook Finding Hater
Not gonna lie, this was me. I hated Facebook finding. I thought it was dumb and inefficient. I didn't think the church should be telling me what to do with my Facebook (and quite frankly they haven't, it's all suggestions). Well, I tried it. I gave it the best try I could and guess what?!? It actually works!!! It's been the most successful week of my mission, potentially. I have talked with a bunch of people about faith and religion. I've talked to old members who took the records off of the church, I've talked to curious people about the church, I've talked to old grandma's about knitting ahhah. It's been a blast, and it's all worth it because I can share my light with them, whether they are really interested or not - I can be their friend.

We had one in particular experience that I love. I found this one guy on Facebook that I thought was going to try and bash with us. He went to a Bible school and seemed very versed in the Bible. Turns out I was completely wrong, he just wanted to learn. We presented it to him and he was super curious about the Book of Mormon. We asked him to read it and find out for himself.

It's been weird and great that we are having more success than we had before going out and normal finding. I'm glad to be "stepping into" my mission. I've always felt like this was what my mission was meant to be and now it's coming to pass. I'm so happy! :)

General Conference
To end off a great week, we finished with such an amazing, spiritually powerful event. General conference was amazing. My favorite talk was Hollands. It reminded me how important hope is.

"When we have conquered (Covid-19) this, and we will, may we be equally committed to freeing the world from the virus of hunger and freeing neighborhoods and countries from the virus of poverty. 

May we hope for schools where students are taught - and not terrified they will be shot - and the gift of personal dignity for every child of God, unmarred by any for of racial, ethnic, or religious prejudice. 

The rising generation deserve so much more. 

May we press forward with love in our hearts" - Jeffery R. Holland

Let's hope together, pray together, have faith together, strengthen each other, love one another. Hope is what will save us from problems like Corona virus, because the true danger is what people do to each other. When we either turn all against one another or work together to overcome the issues, it will show us how much hope we have. We've seen both sides today, in Italy you have them singing songs of hope outside on their porches. In other places, you have people being shot, people not caring, or people hoarding. Hope in God and hope in each other is what will fix this issue and ultimately the world.

I invite you all to hope and join us this Friday, April 10th in a fast. I also invite you to remember the Savior, our ultimate hope. The Son, who gave us hope that we can all overcome death. The One who showed us that hope, charity, and love is the way and the light of this world so that we can enjoy eternal peace.

I know that as you join me in this invitation, and truly try to make this a special Easter, you will feel peace. You will understand the importance of Our Savior's resurrection.

I love you all and hope you all have a wonderful week and a wonderful Easter!

Med kærlig hilsen,
Ældste Salisbury


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